Saturday, May 9, 2009

i cant handle immaturity.

last time i checked, i wasn't in 6th grade calling people and bugging someones ex who i don't even know or care about in any way, shape or form. someone who i have NO interest in EVER knowing, no interest in EVER seeing, and absolutely NO interest in EVER wasting my time, effort, or breath on having a conversation with. some people need to grow the fuck up, get over it, and not drag me into things i don't belong in... you have NO right to EVER bring me up. funny thing is, i didn't even know your fucking name until last night and if i were to ever be in a room with you, i couldn't pick you out. i don't ever want to know you. i don't EVER want to know what you look like, and i sure as hell don't want to hear your voice. yet you... you lurk and you creep around and apparently think you know who i am...? what gives you ANY right to even think to talk about me or have my name in your fucking mouth. YOU DONT KNOW ME. for all you know, i could be fucking jesus christ. so shut your mouth, and get the fuck over it. i'm not 12 anymore.

you don't matter enough to me for me to even consider talking shit about... you'd be fucking lucky if i ever gave you the time of day for that and oh. wait... i couldn't. wanna know why? I DONT KNOW YOU! but from what i saw last night in the 5 minutes of my life you wasted, absolutely disgusted me and honestly made me feel really sorry for you. there is no reason for ANY drama ever. i guess some people just thrive off of it... well i've got news for you sweetheart... i'm not interested, so keep me out of it.

this is the last time i'll ever talk about this or you... i hope that if you come across this you get some satisfaction out of it... this is the one AND only time you'll ever see anything about you from me.

keep my name out of your mouth... and know if someone calls YOU and says "hey is this so and so? this is emma." i can reassure you, it isn't me.

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