Saturday, May 9, 2009

i cant handle immaturity.

last time i checked, i wasn't in 6th grade calling people and bugging someones ex who i don't even know or care about in any way, shape or form. someone who i have NO interest in EVER knowing, no interest in EVER seeing, and absolutely NO interest in EVER wasting my time, effort, or breath on having a conversation with. some people need to grow the fuck up, get over it, and not drag me into things i don't belong in... you have NO right to EVER bring me up. funny thing is, i didn't even know your fucking name until last night and if i were to ever be in a room with you, i couldn't pick you out. i don't ever want to know you. i don't EVER want to know what you look like, and i sure as hell don't want to hear your voice. yet you... you lurk and you creep around and apparently think you know who i am...? what gives you ANY right to even think to talk about me or have my name in your fucking mouth. YOU DONT KNOW ME. for all you know, i could be fucking jesus christ. so shut your mouth, and get the fuck over it. i'm not 12 anymore.

you don't matter enough to me for me to even consider talking shit about... you'd be fucking lucky if i ever gave you the time of day for that and oh. wait... i couldn't. wanna know why? I DONT KNOW YOU! but from what i saw last night in the 5 minutes of my life you wasted, absolutely disgusted me and honestly made me feel really sorry for you. there is no reason for ANY drama ever. i guess some people just thrive off of it... well i've got news for you sweetheart... i'm not interested, so keep me out of it.

this is the last time i'll ever talk about this or you... i hope that if you come across this you get some satisfaction out of it... this is the one AND only time you'll ever see anything about you from me.

keep my name out of your mouth... and know if someone calls YOU and says "hey is this so and so? this is emma." i can reassure you, it isn't me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

there is a storm apporaching

(and its my fist up your ass)

i am literally sick to my stomach from the disgust of homophobic people.

what the fuck?!!

^ my point exactly. ^
its the same video.


"But I want to explain to the masses, what the TITLE of Miss USA stands for to me, and being a former Miss USA, I feel I have a pretty good sense of it. Miss USA travels the world and she competes at the Miss UNIVERSE pageant as a representation of her country. She is a ambassador, a role model and needs to be able to show diplomacy on all issues. sadly for California THIS is where we lost the crown. Not for her answer or even her beliefs, because again, sadly IN California her beliefs at this point in time are the majority. But she lost the crown because she wasn't able to convey compassion for ALL the people that as MISS USA she would be representing. and if YOU like it or not, gays and lesbians make up this country as well. THIS is why we have judges so they can find the RIGHT woman who obtains these qualities. they are crucial in my eyes when holding a honor and title as big as being Miss USA. The panel of judges was qualified and did their job, they represented all of us, men, woman, black, white, gay and straight."- Shanna Moakler

I couldn't agree more with this statement.
I'm still appalled by the answer that Miss California gave at the Miss USA pageant and it only furthers my belief that gays are now the minority and we suffer from harsh discrimination. Not only has Miss California shown ignorance, but she has shone a light on the discrimination that we face. Like I had mentioned yesterday, ANY (not only California) woman running in the Miss USA pageant, represents women in the USA and are there to inspire young women to "shoot for the stars" or "dream big" or to "be true to yourself".. In this instance, Miss California shot that all to hell with ONE answer. I understand that not everyone can or will have the same views as myself or with all the GLBT community, and even Miss California is entitled to her own opinion... BUT when you are standing on stage in front of millions of people representing your State, your home, your COUNTRY, don't give a stupid, uneducated, bull shit, bigotry answer.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"- Abraham Lincoln

Monday, April 20, 2009

"that's just the way the industry is darling!"

So I was SUPER excited about my interview with Disney animation next Tuesday, but they decided to hire internally instead of interviewing me.

Well, I'm trying to stay positive about the whole situation. Its shitty, but hey what can you do. Honestly.
It's just how this business is.
One door closes, another one opens right? Lets hope that this works! =)

PS: Miss California and her answer for legalizing gay marriage made me sick. Being a candidate of Miss USA means that you are an INSPIRATION to girls and women all over the US and the world. Have a fucking open mind and BE that inspiration to the little girls that may be lesbians or be that voice for the girls that won't ever have the chance to have one. I understand that America is a country about free speech and individual opinions, but we also stand for freedom... Freedom to marry who we love, freedom to express our individuality, and freedom to be who we are. I used to want to run for Miss USA to make it my goal to open the minds of others and be what Miss USA should stand for... NOT what Miss California stood for last night.


This thing is so ridiculously addicting.. WHY?! haha

follow me:

it has been amazingly hot today.
i just want to jump into a pool
eat some "special" brownies
and then end the night by cuddling with my baby =)
(with the A/C on of course... summertime means no cuddle time.. Unless the A/C is on)

love love love.
keep the positivity flowing.

Monday, March 30, 2009

i hate you LA parking enforcement.

so last month i was rudely awaken by my car being towed in front of my house for a few unpaid parking tickets (7 to be exact)...
$1000 and several hours later, i have my car back in my possession...

vowing NEVER to get another parking ticket again and thinking i was free from all debt to the parking enforcement, i just get a phone call from my dad
"i just got a notice in the mail for an unpaid ticket for your car"
my reaction is... "what the fuck?! i paid them all off the day we went in to rescue my car"
baffled by this, i do some investigating.​.​.​ the ticked was issued 2/17.. the day my car was towed.

apparently... the $750 i paid for my tickets didn't include the one that caused for my car to be towed away.

what the fuck LA parking enforcement.
i hate you.
and i owe you $50.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Is just one of those days...
I feel so... sad. I don't understand why..
No, I do, I just don't want to face it

All I want right now... Is a fat bowl, my gay husband, and some good food.

On a better note, my best friend is coming down from NorCal today.. She'll be here in a matter of hours...
I need her right now.
She always knows what to do.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

maybe its just because...

it's "that time of month" for me
but whenever i know that you are feeling sick... no matter how busy i am... i will always check in on you
but have you asked me ONCE how i feel

where do i go from here
im getting really sick of putting so much when i get NOTHING back.

ugh. i am so pissy today.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

the day i waited a year for..

and im not sure how i feel.

maybe it's because i know you're not going to make an effort to make this work, despite your promises to me.
or maybe because it's finally coming clear that you and i are no more...
i don't want to believe it, but i can't continue to pretend that everything is okay.

i don't deserve to be treated as an option when you are my priority.
"no one deserves to be treated that way. so even if [i] love her with [my] entire heart, with every fiber of [my] being, and with so much passion that it hurts to think about it... [i] need to forget what [i] want and remember what [i] deserve."

happy(?) anniversary
don't expect flowers
cause their not coming this time.

Monday, January 12, 2009


this all just makes me smile.
i love annie.