Saturday, December 20, 2008

into the frozen tundra.

just got into idaho this afternoon after a dreadful day at the airport.
as if leaving sandra wasn't hard enough..
- flights delayed
- engine 1 doesnt work
- changing planes
- its freezing
- flying
- 22 degree weather
- the airlines losing my snowboard
- then.. 2 degree weather

as much as it all sucks i am in bed and all nice and warm.
i get to have a white christmas!

i miss my little stewart at home.
i miss my little mamas.
i miss my core 4.

i love when i get random phone calls from my drunk friends
they make me happy
because they fully express their love for me
and i love to hear that people love me
love you mike!

goodnight moon.
goodnight world.

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